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Reinforcing Fluence's leading position in the US$6.1B Food and Beverage water and wastewater treatment market, the Company has been awarded a US$1.7M contract by Irotop S.A., a leading fish processor in Ecuador

Fluence Corporation Limited (ASX:FLC) (OTCMKTS:EMFGF) ("Fluence" or the "Company") today announced that it has been awarded a US$1.7 million contract with Irotop S.A., a leading Ecuadorian fish processing company to purify wastewater from its tuna and sardine processing and packing plants.

This success follows recent contracts won in Ecuador, Italy, Brazil and Argentina and confirms Fluence's leading position in delivering smart decentralized wastewater solutions to customers in the international food and beverage production market.

"Water and wastewater solutions in the global Food and Beverage market are estimated at around US$6.1B, with this market growing at over 6% annually (see Note below). Fluence has secured this mandate by leveraging its experience with food companies internationally, such as Tadel S.A., The Eurofish Group, and poultry companies in Italy and Brazil," said Henry Charrabe, Fluence's Managing Director and CEO. ''Fluence has developed a strong expertise in these wastewater treatment applications including its innovative anaerobic digestion technology. We help our customer's operations become more sustainable by reducing their reliance on external water, energy, and by recycling highly polluted effluents after treatment. Our smart solutions also produce substantial anticipated cost savings, resulting in a short pay back for our clients.''

Processed fish is Ecuador's fourth largest export segment, generating an estimated US$896M each year. As Ecuador updates its current fisheries and aquaculture law to meet international standards, local fish processing companies are adopting sustainable technologies to ensure they can contribute positively to the nation's global, long-term trade balance. These practices empower the fish processing and wastewater treatment companies to comply with regulations, protect the local water supply and shrink their operations' ecological footprint.

In addition to the Irotop S.A. project award, the newly built Smart Decentralized Wastewater Treatment plant by Fluence for Tadel S.A., a fish rendering plant in Ecuador, was successfully commissioned last month. This is the first wastewater reuse plant in the fish processing industry in Ecuador, confirming Fluence's position as an industry leader for wastewater reuse applications internationally.

Note: Global Water Market 2017, GWI

About Fluence Corporation Ltd

Fluence Corporation (ASX:FLC) (OTCMKTS:EMFGF) is a leader in the decentralized water, wastewater and reuse treatment markets, with its Smart Products Solutions, including Aspiral, NIROBOX, NIROFLEX and SUBRE. Fluence offers an integrated range of services across the complete water cycle, from early stage evaluation, through design and delivery to ongoing support and optimization of water related assets, as well as Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT) and other recurring revenue solutions. With established operations in North America, South America, the Middle East, Europe and China, Fluence has experience operating in over 70 countries worldwide and enables businesses and communities worldwide to maximize their water resources.

Further information can be found at



Media Contact:
Simon Hinsley
Mobile: +61-401-809-653

Fluence Corporation Limited

Henry Charrabe
Managing Director & CEO
Telephone: +1-212-572-3766

Richard Irving
Executive Chairman
Telephone: +1-408-382-9790

Link: FLC wins fish processing treatment contract in South America

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Fluence Corporation Ltd

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