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Emefcy Group Ltd (ASX:EMC) (OTCMKTS:EMFGF) proposes to acquire all of the limited liability company interests in RWL Water LLC, a global provider of water, wastewater and reuse solutions from RSL Investments Corporation. The acquisition will be funded by the issue of Emefcy Shares. Subject to completion of the acquisition of RWL Water LLC, the Company also proposes to issue to RSL Investments Corporation Emefcy Shares at the issue price of A$0.85 to raise US$20,000,000.

The Independent Expert has prepared an Independent Expert's Report in relation to the issue of Emefcy Shares to RSL Investments Corporation and has concluded that, in the absence of a superior offer, the Proposed Transactions are fair and reasonable to non-associated Shareholders. Refer to Annexure A (see the link below) for further information.

Notice is given that an extraordinary general meeting (Meeting) of the Company will be held at:

Date: 12 July 2017
Time: 11:00 am
Location: Hall & Wilcox
Level 11, Rialto South Tower
525 Collins Street
Melbourne, Victoria

To view the full Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting, please visit:

To view the Independent Expert's Report, please visit:

About Fluence Corporation Ltd

Fluence Corporation (ASX:FLC) (OTCMKTS:EMFGF) is a leader in the decentralized water, wastewater and reuse treatment markets, with its Smart Products Solutions, including Aspiral, NIROBOX, NIROFLEX and SUBRE. Fluence offers an integrated range of services across the complete water cycle, from early stage evaluation, through design and delivery to ongoing support and optimization of water related assets, as well as Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT) and other recurring revenue solutions. With established operations in North America, South America, the Middle East, Europe and China, Fluence has experience operating in over 70 countries worldwide and enables businesses and communities worldwide to maximize their water resources.

Further information can be found at



Emefcy Group Ltd
T: +61-3-9824-5254

Link: Independent Expert's Report

Link: Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting

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Fluence Corporation Ltd

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