Lithex Resources Limited (ASX:LTX) is pleased to announce their Maiden Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate at the Company's Moolyella Project, located 23 km east-north-east of Marble Bar.

MPR Geological Consultants Pty Ltd has produced initial estimates reported in accordance with the JORC code of the tin and tantalum mineralisation contained in eight of the historical tailings and waste stockpiles at the Moolyella Project. See Figure 1 in link below for Tailings Stockpile Layout.

Resources for each tailings stockpile were estimated by Ordinary Kriging of assay grades for the generally one meter auger samples within the interpreted dump wire frames. The estimates include a density of 1.7 t/lcm based on measured weights for eleven samples collected in buckets of known volume.
Inferred Resources
                         Tonnes     Sn    Ta 
                        (million)  (pp
m)  (ppm)
Moolyella Tailings         1.9      160    20
Excluding Tailings D and H 1.2      190    22
Table 1 - Moolyella Tailings - Mineral Resource Estimate, February 2012

Table 1 includes an estimate for all 8 surveyed tailings stockpiles, and additionally an estimate excluding the two lowest grade stockpiles.

Preliminary metallurgical test work, conducted by Nagrom indicates recoveries of between 43.6% and 84.7% for tin (Sn), with an average recovery of 67.8% and between 17.1% and 66.3% for Tantalum (Ta205), with an average recovery of 38.4%. The head grades of the bulk samples ranged from 90 to 1010ppm Sn.

The test work was conducted on 12 bulk samples (80-90kg each) of the tailings material, from 7 of the 8 stockpiles included in the Mineral Resource Estimate. The test work consisted of cone concentration, cone concentrate dry screening, magnetic characterisation and non-magnetic panning.

Further metallurgical test work will be required, on larger samples, to increase confidence in the achievable recoveries.

RC Drilling at the Pegmatite Gully and Eluvial Gully hard-rock tin and tantalum targets at Moolyella is set to re-commence within the next 10 days, while planning is underway for additional auger and costeaning programs designed to upgrade further non-JORC compliant historically defined alluvial and eluvial resources to JORC compliant status.

For the Additional Chart and image visit link:

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Rob Mandanici
Managing Director

Malcolm Carson
Non-Executive Chairman

Brendan Borg
Exploration Manager

Link: Lithex Resources Limited (ASX:LTX) Maiden Inferred Mineral Resource at Moolyella Project

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