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CWH Resources Limited (ASX:CWH) is pleased to announce the proposed grant of exploration permits for minerals EPM 18158 and EPM 18042 from the Queensland Government on 7 July 2011. These proposed grants of exploration permits are subject to the terms and conditions set out in the attached grant documents (see link at the bottom of the release).

The "Notice of Proposed Grant of An Exploration Permit for Minerals" for these two exploration permits will be advertised in the Koori Mail and Mt Isa North West Star next month.

The Board of Directors will keep the share holders and Australian Securities Exchange informed on the progress in relation to these two exploration permits.

For the complete CWH Resources Limited announcement including grant documents, please view:

About CWH Resources Limited

CWH Resources Limited (ASX:CWH) is regarded to be the first company with an operational base in Western China to be successfully listed on ASX. Its operational base and offices undertakes production, marketing, R&D and strategic investments in building materials, mining, construction and other allied industries. It has developed a respected quality and market position for its products.


Link: Proposed Grant of EPM18158, and EPM 18042

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CWH Resources Limited

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