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Aun Consulting, Inc. (TYO:2459) (Head Office: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Akira Shida, hereinafter called AUN Consulting) supporting overseas marketing, commences overseas news distribution services by collaborating with ABN Newswire (Head Office: Level 3, 37 Pitt Street Sydney, CEO: Timothy J Mckinnon, hereinafter called Asia Business News) that develops the distribution services of corporate news in multiple Asian languages.

Summary of "Overseas News Distribution Services"

Currently, the movement of searching for growth opportunities in overseas markets including Europe, the US, China and the Asian Region is accelerating among Japanese companies, backed by the stagnation in the Japanese market. The overseas development by companies will be further accelerated particularly in emerging economies that may have increasing participation from Japan and other countries, and fiercer competition in the market is expected. Therefore, developing more effective overseas promotion is necessary for successful overseas business.

AUN Consulting develops business mainly in the Asian Region with seven key areas in Tokyo, Okinawa, Singapore, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Thailand supporting strategic global marketing. The company was among the first to work on Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and has been providing effective global promotion methods for companies that develop overseas business, using creative production and media advertisements in multiple languages.

Meanwhile, Asia Business News deals with news distribution in multiple languages to the Asian region and others. ABN Newswire has been simultaneously distributing financial information, corporate announcements and new product information to large-scale media outlets including leading financial terminals in multiple European and Asian languages such as English, Arabic, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Indonesian and Japanese.

This collaboration enables AUN Consulting to commence provision of overseas news distribution services in addition to its existing contribution to online and web promotion. This effectivity appeals to the IR/PR sectors by quickly releasing corporate information such as press releases to the world through the professional database networks of Asia Business News. This provides opportunities for IR/PR releases to overseas investors, which is one of the important tasks for listed companies, and significantly contributes to the increased visibility overseas of those companies.

AUN Consulting, as the collaboration company of Asia Business News, comprehensively supports overseas business as well as news distribution in Japan, maximising its performance using effective online promotion.

<< Service Contents of Overseas News Distribution >>

- Web News Posting: Posting onto Asia Business News, the multilingual news distribution medium
- Distribution through the Large-scale Overseas Database Networks (Destinations: Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Google Finance, Financial Times, etc.)
- Distribution of Information to the Affiliate Media Partners
Distribution of information to the Asia Business News' affiliate media partners located in Japan and all around the world
- Simultaneous Distribution in Multiple Languages
(English, Arabic, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese (Simplified, Traditional), Thai, Korean, Indonesian, Japanese)

AUN Consulting, Inc.
(Description of Business) General consulting services on the Search Engine Marketing (SEM) in multiple languages including English, Chinese and Japanese
(Date of Foundation) 8th June, 1998
(Location) Glass City Koraku, 1-1-7 Koraku, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
(Representative) Akira Shida, CEO
(Capital) 339,576 thousand JPY
(Company URL)

[Enquiries on Releases] Watanabe, Department of PR, AUN Consulting, Inc.
(Tel) +81-3-5803-2459 (email)
[Enquiries on Services] Shimada, AUN Consulting, Inc.
(Tel) +81-3-5803-2727 (email)

Asia Business News (ABN Newswire)
(Description of Business) Distribution of company/financial news information in multiple languages
(Date of Foundation) 18th August, 2005
(Location) Level 3, 37 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
(Representative) Timothy J Mckinnon CEO
(Company URL)
[Enquiries on Asia Business News] Asia Business News Tokyo Office
(Tel) +81-3-6868-3802 (Facsimile) +81-3-6868-3371

About ABN Newswire

ABN Newswire is a leading communications technology company, and electronically publishes and distributes corporate and financial video, news and information from publicly listed companies directly to investors and financial media outlets worldwide in multiple languages through a professional database network and financial news distribution platform.

Access ABN Newswire on Bloomberg: {ABZN -go-}


About AUN Consulting, Inc.

AUN Consulting (TYO:2459) is an SEM consulting company in Tokyo providing multilingual search engine optimization (SEO) and Pay-for-Performance (P4P) services. AUN Consulting is a pioneer in multilingual PC and mobile search engine marketing.



ABN Newswire

T: +61-2-8205-7353

New York:
T: +1-212-796-5798

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AUN Consulting, Inc.

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