Aegis Equities Research has recently published a commissioned report for the Emerging Companies Review, July 2007 This report can be viewed on their website:

The Emerging Companies Blue Book provides an overview of a selection of Australian companies across a range of sectors. We have grouped the companies according to our own segment classifications to provide more meaningful comparisons. Each company is profiled on the basis of a common format, concentrating on the qualitative features of each company and the industry within which it operates. The format is intended to provide a basic understanding of the key drivers affecting each company as well as an indication of each company's growth potential and associated risks.

NB: This report has been commissioned and as such Aegis has received a fee for its publication. However, under no circumstances has Aegis been influenced, either directly or indirectly, in making statements and/or recommendations contained in this report.

About Aegis Equities Research

Aegis Equities Research is Australia's first truly independent equities research firm, established to provide incisive equities analysis to fund managers, stockbrokers, financial planners and retail investors.



Peter Leodaritsis
Managing Director
Aegis Equities Research
TEL: +61 2 8296 1100

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