
Core Exploration Ltd (CXO.AX) 欣然宣布,公司在对达尔文附近的锂矿项目100%拥有的高品位BP33伟晶岩进行的2017年第一次钻探钻遇了迄今为止BP33最宽的伟晶岩矿段,超过了此前对BP33北端矿化宽度的预期。

新的钻探共钻探到65米的矿化段,包括FRC104中59米-63米(4米)到 66米-118米(52米)和 128米-137米(9米)的三个锂辉石伟晶岩矿段。


对反循环钻探钻取的岩石样品的矿物学肉眼评估确认,大部分已钻探伟晶岩的锂辉石含量很高,需要通过化验证实,但看来在矿物学上跟公司原先在BP33进行的钻探非常相似,那次钻探钻遇了高品位的锂伟晶岩,包括38米 @1.5%氧化锂(FRC003)(请见下文链接中的图1)。

Core 最近从Liontown 资源有限公司收购了Bynoe矿权租约,现在全资拥有BP33伟晶岩。

Core 此前对BP33的钻探由于与Liontown的历史矿权租约边界的位置(约在矿床中部)而受阻。现在公司获得了相邻的矿权租约,可以继续勘探BP33矿床,而没有以前所有权不连贯造成的复杂问题(请见下列链接中的图2)。

Liontown以前的钻探与Core以前的钻探以北的风化伟晶岩相交。然而,根据Core的振奋人心的新钻探结果,可以绘出一个修订的截面图(请见下文链接中的图3),该图表面北部伟晶岩的真实厚度往下增加了一倍(离地面20米 vs 40米深)。在此基础上,公司认为,在北面可能存在着更为宽泛的替代性几何或地质结构,今后将通过进一步的反循环钻探和浅层旋转式空气爆破钻探来对此加以研究。

Core 在BP33的第二期钻探工作旨在确定锂辉石矿化品位和规模的连续性。钻探的目的还在于增加矿床深度,并探测矿床南端的延伸范围,Core相信伟晶岩可能是向下倾的。



内容关于 Core Exploration Ltd

Core Exploration Ltd (ASX:CXO) is an emerging lithium producer focused on development of its Finniss Project near Darwin in the Northern Territory. Core owns 100% of Finniss, a major developing project that lies close to existing infrastructure such as the Darwin Port, grid power, gas and rail infrastructure.

The Finniss Project covers a 500km2 tenement holding and 25 historic pegmatite mines. The project area is about 80km from Darwin Port. Exploration work has generated a near term development timeline, with feasibility studies to be completed over the course of 2018 ahead of receipt of approvals in early 2019 and planned first production during 2019.

An aggressive exploration program is under way, which has confirmed the high quality prospectivity across much of the Finniss Project area. Core's stated ambition is to upgrade Finniss' resource base to fast-track commercialisation options.



Stephen Biggins
Core Exploration Ltd
电话: +61-8-7324-2987
电邮: info@coreexploration.com.au

Link: Core:在BP33钻遇最宽锂辉石伟晶岩矿段


Core Exploration Ltd

