The Australian Gold Conference 2024 hosted a special event to introduce Australians to the potential of investing in gold beyond traditional avenues, focusing on the shift from culturally influenced jewellery to modern bullion, shares and digital gold products.

The two-hour fast paced educational experience provided insights into the benefits, risks, and practicalities of investing in all forms of gold in today's digital age.

Don't know where to get started? Think it is all too complicated? Think again we have got you covered with our colleagues from Bullion Now who will help you understand about the different ways to get started. A one hour panel discussion covered everything from gold/silver and other physical precious metals to ETF's, digital, shares, and other ways to have precious metals in your portfolio.

To Watch the Gold Investing Education Video, please visit:

To view a range of videos from companies presenting at the Australian Gold Conference, please visit:

About The Australian Gold Conference

The Australian Gold Conference is presented for the 14th time in 2024 by Kerry Stevenson's GOLD EVENTS. The conference mixes investors with bullion dealers, refiners, suppliers, marketers, gold mining explorers, developers and producers each year with powerful keynotes and vital panel discussions reflecting the diverse and everchanging developments of the world's most stable currency and powerful commodity. You can't print gold!



Kerry Stevenson
Founder & CEO
+61 407 202 758

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